The Truth about the IMMUNE SYSTEM
This series on I-player is very relevant right now as we sit waiting for the vaccination to be rolled out, what else can we do to look after ourselves and help to be strong so we can fight infection.
BIOSPHERIC PERFORMANCE – Move better & feel better
Holistic approach to Movement, Health & Wellbeing – Reduce your pain in life & improve your performance in sport. Experience from elite sport, infusing lessons from Yoga & Pilates, using Biomechanics Coaching to analyse. Taking the body back to neutral, empowering correct movement, balance & strength. Understand contributing factors – stress, nutrition, sleep. Based in Hampshire
BIOSPHERIC PERFORMANCE – Move better & feel better
Holistic approach to Movement, Health & Wellbeing – Reduce your pain in life & improve your performance in sport. Experience from elite sport, infusing lessons from Yoga & Pilates, using Biomechanics Coaching to analyse. Taking the body back to neutral, empowering correct movement, balance & strength. Understand contributing factors – stress, nutrition, sleep. Based in Hampshire
This series on I-player is very relevant right now as we sit waiting for the vaccination to be rolled out, what else can we do to look after ourselves and help to be strong so we can fight infection.
She was in a place of massive frustration. The route she had found available to her was constantly giving her the excuse that of course she was finding balance difficult – she had MS.
The Benefits of apple cider vinegar are many. But the main reason for taking a table spoon before every meal is to realign the pH level of the gut. ACV is alkali and as most of the common ailments are due to too much acidity this is an incredibly good way to neutralise this imbalance. …
Awesome – finally a sugar tax …. and in South Africa – a country that produces sugar that is at risk for being accused of upsetting a national trade. Click here for more information Several interesting articles click here for more: Britain is not doing so well on Sugar intake, but we have already …
Do you know how much food is wasted by our supermarkets? Imperfect – or are they – vegetables that are rejected by supermarkets because apparently the public won’t buy them. Is this true? Is this sense. The people who get hurt and put out of business are the growers and the waste is astronomical and …
Research shows that a high protein diet and low carbohydrates diet can help shed pounds and normalize blood-glucose levels, improvements that lower the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. But will you live longer on a high-protein, low-carb diet? Two studies in the current edition of the scientific journal Cell Metabolism suggest the opposite. One …
Amazing insights into the food industry. Do we actually know what we are eating? Are we not the most ridiculous animal? We eat what we know from our upbringing and what is served in restaurants. Have we actually researched what we need to eat, how much carbohydrate, fat and protein? Do we know where this …
What a fabulous film – it puts on the screen and in the media everything we speak about from a nutritional and healthy stand point. It is not rocket science what we should eat and drink, we would feel and function so much better if we paid more attention to this. However society conspires …
What a great documentary about the food industry and fitness industry in relation to loosing weight. They show that exercise alone does not burn enough calories to loose weight. Exercise is essential to a healthy life – alleviating stress, proven that those who exercise spend significantly less time in the GP’s room and so cost …
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